Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla
Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ezinkampanini ezingu-71229 ngesikhathi sangempela.
Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla

Izingcaphuno ze-Stock

Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ku-inthanethi

Umlando ucaphuna umlando

I-capital market capital

Izigaba ze-Stock

Inzuzo evela kumasheya enkampani

Imibiko yezezimali

Amanani wokulinganisa wezinkampani. Kukuphi ukutshalwa imali?

The Boston Beer Company, Inc. inzuzo ngayinye ngayinye

Imali engenayo emithathu yenkampani The Boston Beer Company, Inc., ibika ngenzuzo yentengo SAM ngonyaka ka-2024. Ngabe u-The Boston Beer Company, Inc. ukushicilela izitatimende zezimali ezipikili nokulahlekelwa?
Engeza kumawijethi
Ingeziwe kumawijethi

The Boston Beer Company, Inc. ishicilela nini isitatimende senzuzo nokulahlekelwa?

I-The Boston Beer Company, Inc. isitatimende senzuzo nokulahlekelwa yashicilelwa kanye nekota, isitatimende sezimali samuva se-The Boston Beer Company, Inc. sanyatheliswa ngo-31/03/2021.

Iyini inzuzo kusuka kwamasheya e The Boston Beer Company, Inc.?

Inani elilinganiselwayo lemali engenayo ye-The Boston Beer Company, Inc. laliyi-5.26 $ embikweni wokugcina wezezimali.

I-The Boston Beer Company, Inc. izokhipha nini isitatimende esilandelayo senzuzo nokulahlekelwa?

Umbiko olandelayo mayelana ne-akhawunti ye-profit and loss The Boston Beer Company, Inc. izoba ngo-June 2024.

The Boston Beer Company, Inc. inzuzo etholwa isabelo ngasinye - izici zezimali zenkampani ngosayizi wenani layo. Umholo ngenzuzo ngayinye ubalwa kalula - yonke inzuzo yenkampani yesikhathi sokubika sezezimali esihlukaniswe ngenombolo yamasheya. Ngokusobala, The Boston Beer Company, Inc. ngokwesabelo ngasinye iyinkomba eguquguqukayo yesikhathi esithile sezezimali. Inzuzo ye- The Boston Beer Company, Inc. - inzuzo ephelele yesikhathi sezimali sokubika.


Inzuzo The Boston Beer Company, Inc.

Inzuzo yayo yonke inkampani The Boston Beer Company, Inc. ibaluleke kakhulu ekuphathweni kwabaphathi kunabaninimasheya benkampani. Abamasheya banentshisekelo enkulu yemali etholwayo ngesabelo ngasinye. Kuthinta kakhulu izabelo ezamukelwe ngamasheya. Usuku lwesitatimende semali engenayo ye- The Boston Beer Company, Inc. lisungulwa ngumthetho kanye nemithetho yenhlangano. Usuku ngalunye lwesitatimende senzuzo se- The Boston Beer Company, Inc. isitatimende senzuzo sihambelana nomugqa wethebula lesevisi.

Inzuzo ngekota The Boston Beer Company, Inc.

Imali etholwayo ngesabelo ngasinye The Boston Beer Company, Inc. ibalwa ngokwahlukanisa imali engenayo ngenani lamasheya enkampanini. Imali etholwayo ngesabelo ngasinye se- The Boston Beer Company, Inc. kunqunywa isikhathi sezimali esinqunyelwe futhi ihambelana nemiphumela yezitatimende zezezimalienzuzo yenkampani. The Boston Beer Company, Inc. imali etholakalayo ngesabelo esithile sesikhathi sokubika sokugcina ingatholakala kutafula lethu (umugqa ophezulu) noma igrafu (ikholamu engakwesokudla). Inzuzo yekota The Boston Beer Company, Inc. uhlobo olujwayelekile kakhulu lombiko wezezimali lwe-analytics yezezimali.

SAM usuku lokubika Ukuzuza nge-share ngayinye
Imali ngayinye ezuzwa ibalwa ngokuhlukanisa imali engenayo (noma inzuzo) ngenani lamasheya enkampanini.
Shintsha unyaka %
31/03/2021 5.26 USD -
31/12/2020 2.64 USD -
30/09/2020 6.51 USD +78.36% ↑
30/06/2020 4.88 USD +106.78% ↑
30/09/2019 3.65 USD -14.317% ↓
30/06/2019 2.36 USD -44.285% ↓
31/03/2019 2.02 USD +226.67% ↑
31/12/2018 1.86 USD +88.85% ↑
30/09/2018 3.21 USD +68.31% ↑
30/06/2018 1.98 USD +99.89% ↑
31/03/2018 0.55 USD +18.23% ↑
31/12/2017 0.85 USD -35.895% ↓
30/09/2017 2.78 USD -29.139% ↓
30/06/2017 2.35 USD -37.684% ↓
31/03/2017 0.45 USD -270.443% ↓
31/12/2016 1.75 USD +7.96% ↑
30/09/2016 2.48 USD -4.664% ↓
30/06/2016 2.06 USD +0.91% ↑
31/03/2016 0.53 USD +38.85% ↑
31/12/2015 1.21 USD -20.551% ↓
30/09/2015 2.85 USD +16.09% ↑
30/06/2015 2.18 USD +7.52% ↑
31/03/2015 1 USD -2.622% ↓
31/12/2014 1.4 USD -10.286% ↓
30/09/2014 2.79 USD +26.21% ↑
30/06/2014 1.88 USD +33.14% ↑
31/03/2014 0.62 USD +12.71% ↑
31/12/2013 1.33 USD +20.37% ↑
30/09/2013 1.96 USD +35.99% ↑
30/06/2013 1.45 USD +5.22% ↑
31/03/2013 0.45 USD +50.34% ↑
31/12/2012 1.27 USD +11.95% ↑
30/09/2012 1.53 USD +22.91% ↑
30/06/2012 1.19 USD +7.59% ↑
31/03/2012 0.56 USD -10.244% ↓
31/12/2011 1.2 USD +24.57% ↑
30/09/2011 1.19 USD +26.73% ↑
30/06/2011 1.09 USD +7.4% ↑
31/03/2011 0.28 USD +88.33% ↑
31/12/2010 0.87 USD +53.86% ↑
30/09/2010 1.09 USD +120.34% ↑
30/06/2010 1.13 USD +77.01% ↑
31/03/2010 0.44 USD -340% ↓
31/12/2009 0.52 USD +59.82% ↑
30/09/2009 0.72 USD +39.23% ↑
30/06/2009 0.83 USD +5.65% ↑
31/03/2009 0.1 USD -477.5% ↓
31/12/2008 0.33 USD +5.04% ↑
30/09/2008 0.14 USD -48.673% ↓
30/06/2008 0.79 USD +1.14% ↑
31/03/2008 0.35 USD +64.13% ↑
31/12/2007 0.46 USD +108.5% ↑
30/09/2007 0.39 USD +26% ↑
30/06/2007 0.6 USD +53.51% ↑
31/03/2007 0.4 USD -21.739% ↓
31/12/2006 0.17 USD +28.21% ↑
30/09/2006 0.41 USD +63.94% ↑
30/06/2006 0.56 USD +35.71% ↑
31/03/2006 0.13 USD +223.06% ↑
31/12/2005 0.16 USD -43.592% ↓
30/09/2005 0.29 USD -19.673% ↓
30/06/2005 0.35 USD +7.69% ↑
31/03/2005 0.27 USD +333.35% ↑
31/12/2004 0.19 USD -14.282% ↓
30/09/2004 0.21 USD -5.482% ↓
30/06/2004 0.37 USD +65.08% ↑
31/03/2004 0.09 USD -
31/12/2003 0.25 USD +113.33% ↑
30/09/2003 0.28 USD -2025.51% ↓
30/06/2003 0.2 USD -35.448% ↓
31/03/2003 -0.01 USD -666.65% ↓
31/12/2002 0.13 USD -
30/09/2002 0.02 USD -
30/06/2002 0.29 USD -
31/03/2002 0.08 USD -

The Boston Beer Company, Inc. imali etholwa ngekota ngesabelo ngasinye isilinganiso esithile senzuzo yenkampani. Kepha ifunwa kancane kunenzuzo yonyaka ngesabelo esisodwa. Inzuzo yekota eledlule The Boston Beer Company, Inc. yanamuhla isho inzuzo eshicilelwe ngekota yokugcina ebekiwe. Ukushintshwa kwenzuzo The Boston Beer Company, Inc. yonyaka inani lesethenjwa elibonisa amandla enzuzo aqhathaniswa nesikhathi esifanayo ngonyaka owedlule. Ukushintshwa kwe- The Boston Beer Company, Inc. inzuzo yekota yonyaka akubalulekanga kangako njengoba ushintsho ku- The Boston Beer Company, Inc. inzuzo yonyaka kuqhathaniswa nonyaka owedlule.

Ukuze lula umbono nokuhlaziywa, sishicilela ushintsho lwenzuzo njengephesenti. Etafuleni lenkonzo ye-Quarterly Profit kuleli khasi, ungathola umlando we- The Boston Beer Company, Inc. inzuzo yezikhathi zokubika zangaphambilini, zonyaka owedlule noma esinye isikhawu. The Boston Beer Company, Inc. umlando wokuthola imali ngekota iyatholakala online eminyakeni eyi-10 eyedlule. Imininingo egciniwe yenzuzo yanyakenye nezinye izinkathi The Boston Beer Company, Inc. ihlanganiswe emithonjeni yomphakathi.

Izindleko zamasheya The Boston Beer Company, Inc.

Izezimali The Boston Beer Company, Inc.