Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla
Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ezinkampanini ezingu-71229 ngesikhathi sangempela.
Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla

Izingcaphuno ze-Stock

Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ku-inthanethi

Umlando ucaphuna umlando

I-capital market capital

Izigaba ze-Stock

Inzuzo evela kumasheya enkampani

Imibiko yezezimali

Amanani wokulinganisa wezinkampani. Kukuphi ukutshalwa imali?

Hubbell Incorporated inzuzo ngayinye ngayinye

Imali engenayo emithathu yenkampani Hubbell Incorporated, ibika ngenzuzo yentengo HUBB ngonyaka ka-2024. Ngabe u-Hubbell Incorporated ukushicilela izitatimende zezimali ezipikili nokulahlekelwa?
Engeza kumawijethi
Ingeziwe kumawijethi

Hubbell Incorporated ishicilela nini isitatimende senzuzo nokulahlekelwa?

I-Hubbell Incorporated isitatimende senzuzo nokulahlekelwa yashicilelwa kanye nekota, isitatimende sezimali samuva se-Hubbell Incorporated sanyatheliswa ngo-31/03/2021.

Iyini inzuzo kusuka kwamasheya e Hubbell Incorporated?

Inani elilinganiselwayo lemali engenayo ye-Hubbell Incorporated laliyi-1.72 $ embikweni wokugcina wezezimali.

I-Hubbell Incorporated izokhipha nini isitatimende esilandelayo senzuzo nokulahlekelwa?

Umbiko olandelayo mayelana ne-akhawunti ye-profit and loss Hubbell Incorporated izoba ngo-June 2024.

Hubbell Incorporated imali etholwa ngengxenye ngayinye yenkampani - enye yezinkomba zokuhola kwemali yenkampani kusuka ngosayizi wenani layo. Imali etholwayo ngesabelo ngasinye - Inani elibaliwe: inzuzo ephelele yesikhathi sokubika ihlukaniswe ngenani lamasheya akhona. Kuyacaca ukuthi Hubbell Incorporated ngesabelo ngasinye iyimpawu zezimali zesikhathi esithile. Inzuzo ye- Hubbell Incorporated - yonke inzuzo yenkampani esikhathini sokubika.


Inzuzo Hubbell Incorporated

Yonke inzuzo ye- Hubbell Incorporated inzuzo iyisithenjwa. Akubalulekanga kangako kwabanini bamasheya abazimele. Abamasheya banentshisekelo enkulu yemali etholwayo ngesabelo ngasinye. Kuthinta kakhulu izabelo ezamukelwe ngamasheya. Usuku lwesitatimende semali engenayo ye- Hubbell Incorporated lisungulwa ngumthetho kanye nemithetho yenhlangano. Izinsuku zezitatimende zenzuzo ze- Hubbell Incorporated yezikhathi zamuva zikhonjiswa kuthebula negrafu yensizakalo yethu online.

Inzuzo ngekota Hubbell Incorporated

Imali etholwayo ngesabelo ngasinye Hubbell Incorporated ibalwa ngokwahlukanisa imali engenayo ngenani lamasheya enkampanini. Imali etholwayo ngesabelo ngasinye se- Hubbell Incorporated kubhekwe isikhathi esithile sezimali kanye nemibiko yezezimali enzuzweni yenkampani isiyonke ikhishwe. Hubbell Incorporated imali etholakalayo ngesabelo esithile sesikhathi sokubika sokugcina ingatholakala kutafula lethu (umugqa ophezulu) noma igrafu (ikholamu engakwesokudla). Hubbell Incorporated imali etholwa ngekota yokuhlaziya kwezezimali ngumbiko wesikhashana omkhulu wonyaka wezimali.

HUBB usuku lokubika Ukuzuza nge-share ngayinye
Imali ngayinye ezuzwa ibalwa ngokuhlukanisa imali engenayo (noma inzuzo) ngenani lamasheya enkampanini.
Shintsha unyaka %
31/03/2021 1.72 USD -
31/12/2020 1.76 USD -7.853% ↓
30/09/2020 2.3 USD -1.7094% ↓
30/06/2020 1.87 USD -19.0476% ↓
31/12/2019 1.91 USD +8.82% ↑
30/09/2019 2.34 USD +7.89% ↑
30/06/2019 2.31 USD +20.81% ↑
31/03/2019 1.57 USD +11.03% ↑
31/12/2018 1.72 USD +20% ↑
30/09/2018 2.22 USD +39.96% ↑
30/06/2018 1.97 USD +26.66% ↑
31/03/2018 1.39 USD +22.3% ↑
31/12/2017 1.5 USD +15.18% ↑
30/09/2017 1.59 USD +0.097% ↑
30/06/2017 1.43 USD -1.2071% ↓
31/03/2017 1.13 USD +4.3% ↑
31/12/2016 1.16 USD +5.21% ↑
30/09/2016 1.56 USD +14.69% ↑
30/06/2016 1.45 USD +6.37% ↑
31/03/2016 1.08 USD +1.25% ↑
31/12/2015 1.23 USD -7.398% ↓
30/09/2015 1.4 USD -14.914% ↓
30/06/2015 1.37 USD -12.303% ↓
31/03/2015 1.07 USD -1.40076% ↓
31/12/2014 1.38 USD -8.272% ↓
30/09/2014 1.51 USD -6.13% ↓
30/06/2014 1.51 USD +15.56% ↑
31/03/2014 1.08 USD -3.173% ↓
31/12/2013 1.38 USD +13.64% ↑
30/09/2013 1.62 USD +10.77% ↑
30/06/2013 1.37 USD +6.28% ↑
31/03/2013 1.1 USD +13.02% ↑
31/12/2012 1.2 USD +8.89% ↑
30/09/2012 1.45 USD +13.02% ↑
30/06/2012 1.29 USD +17.12% ↑
31/03/2012 1.05 USD +21.84% ↑
31/12/2011 1.17 USD +22.07% ↑
30/09/2011 1.37 USD +26.73% ↑
30/06/2011 1.07 USD +37.07% ↑
31/03/2011 0.82 USD +15.46% ↑
31/12/2010 0.96 USD +22.73% ↑
30/09/2010 1.18 USD +40.99% ↑
30/06/2010 0.95 USD +20% ↑
31/03/2010 0.64 USD +28.31% ↑
31/12/2009 0.84 USD -3.637% ↓
30/09/2009 1.01 USD -52.311% ↓
30/06/2009 0.7 USD -54.118% ↓
31/03/2009 0.6 USD -58.796% ↓
31/12/2008 0.82 USD -8.553% ↓
30/09/2008 1.18 USD +15.28% ↑
30/06/2008 1.09 USD +31.29% ↑
31/03/2008 0.85 USD +43.6% ↑
31/12/2007 0.82 USD +78.24% ↑
30/09/2007 1.1 USD +18.76% ↑
30/06/2007 0.89 USD +12.96% ↑
31/03/2007 0.69 USD +8.57% ↑
31/12/2006 0.48 USD -65.277% ↓
30/09/2006 0.78 USD +6.86% ↑
30/06/2006 0.67 USD +7.29% ↑
31/03/2006 0.65 USD +15.79% ↑
31/12/2005 0.84 USD +21.91% ↑
30/09/2005 0.79 USD +11.78% ↑
30/06/2005 0.58 USD +7.7% ↑
31/03/2005 0.46 USD +8.78% ↑
31/12/2004 0.64 USD +16.2% ↑
30/09/2004 0.69 USD +36.64% ↑
30/06/2004 0.62 USD +32.31% ↑
31/03/2004 0.56 USD +4.47% ↑
31/12/2003 0.58 USD +18.68% ↑
30/09/2003 0.57 USD +7.35% ↑
30/06/2003 0.47 USD +12.07% ↑
31/03/2003 0.36 USD +26.67% ↑
31/12/2002 0.58 USD -
30/09/2002 0.49 USD -
30/06/2002 0.44 USD -
31/03/2002 0.33 USD -

Hubbell Incorporated imali etholwa ngekota ngesabelo ngasinye isilinganiso esithile senzuzo yenkampani. Kepha ifunwa kancane kunenzuzo yonyaka ngesabelo esisodwa. Inzuzo yekota eledlule Hubbell Incorporated namuhla yinzuzo emenyezelwe ngokusemthethweni yekota yokugcina ebekiwe. Ukushintshwa kwenzuzo Hubbell Incorporated yonyaka inani lesethenjwa elibonisa amandla enzuzo aqhathaniswa nesikhathi esifanayo ngonyaka owedlule. Ukushintshwa kwe- Hubbell Incorporated inzuzo yekota yonyaka akubalulekanga kangako njengoba ushintsho ku- Hubbell Incorporated inzuzo yonyaka kuqhathaniswa nonyaka owedlule.

Ushintsho lwenzuzo luboniswa njengephesenti. Umlando wokwenza inzuzo we- Hubbell Incorporated yeminyaka edlule unikezwa etafuleni lethu "Inzuzo yekota". Hubbell Incorporated umlando wokuthola imali ngekota iyatholakala online ngonyaka ngamunye nekota kuleminyaka eyishumi edlule. The Hubbell Incorporated yeminyaka edlule iqoqwa emithonjeni evulekile.

Izindleko zamasheya Hubbell Incorporated

Izezimali Hubbell Incorporated