Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla
Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ezinkampanini ezingu-71229 ngesikhathi sangempela.
Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla

Izingcaphuno ze-Stock

Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ku-inthanethi

Umlando ucaphuna umlando

I-capital market capital

Izigaba ze-Stock

Inzuzo evela kumasheya enkampani

Imibiko yezezimali

Amanani wokulinganisa wezinkampani. Kukuphi ukutshalwa imali?

Rockwell Automation Inc. ikhanda lemakethe

Umthamo wokuhweba kwamasheya Rockwell Automation Inc. namhlanje nomlando we-capital of Rockwell Automation Inc. kusukela ekuqaleni kokuhweba kwamasheya ROK esitokisini samasheya.
Engeza kumawijethi
Ingeziwe kumawijethi

Rockwell Automation Inc. izimali ezinkulu

Namuhla imali yemakethe ye- Rockwell Automation Inc. ingu-32 320 602 112 US dollar.
-103 571 456 $ (-0.32%)
ukuguqulwa komnotho kusukela izolo

Nsuku zonke, siqopha ushintsho ku- Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalisation. Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalisation ibalwa ngokususelwa ekuhwebeni ngamasheya. Imininingwane yokwenziwa imali kwe- Rockwell Automation Inc. isethenjwa kuphela. Rockwell Automation Inc. cap cap yemakethe namuhla $ 32 320 602 112.

Rockwell Automation Inc. ivolumu yokuhweba

Namuhla inani lamasheya okuhweba Rockwell Automation Inc. lilinganiselwa ku-250 342 US dollar.
-413 361 $ (-62.28%)
ushintsho lwevolumu yezohwebo kusukela izolo

Rockwell Automation Inc. ivolumu yokuhweba namuhla 250 342 amadola aseMelika. Ishadi lokuhweba nsuku zonke le- Rockwell Automation Inc. likuwebhusayithi yethu. Rockwell Automation Inc. ukuhweba online okuthengiswa kakhulu kuma-stock online, iwebhusayithi yethu ikhombisa inani lokuhweba eliphelele le- Rockwell Automation Inc. ngosuku. Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalization inciphile uma iqhathaniswa nezolo.


Rockwell Automation Inc. ishadi lesikhwama semakethe

Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalization yemakethe kugrafu ngeminyaka. 4.05% - ushintsho ekwamukelweni kwemali emakethe Rockwell Automation Inc. ngesonto. 0% - Rockwell Automation Inc.. Ukweqiwa kwemakethe kwe- Rockwell Automation Inc. manje sekulingana ne- 32 320 602 112 amadola aseMelika.

Iviki Inyanga izinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

Rockwell Automation Inc. umlando wemali enkulu

Usuku I-Capitalization
I-capitalisation (capital capital) yi-value yemakethe yawo wonke amasheya ezinkampanini ezithengiswa nge-stock exchange. Izimali zamakethe zilingana nentengo yamasheya okwandiswe inani lamasheya alingisiwe.
04/05/2023 32 320 602 112 $
03/05/2023 32 424 173 568 $
02/05/2023 31 939 270 656 $
01/05/2023 32 469 417 984 $
28/04/2023 32 512 002 048 $
27/04/2023 31 781 990 400 $
26/04/2023 31 063 453 696 $

Ishadi levolumu ye-Rockwell Automation Inc.

Iviki Inyanga izinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

Rockwell Automation Inc. idatha yomlando wevolumu

Usuku Ivolumu (24h)
Umthamo wokuhweba we-Rockwell Automation Inc. amasheya yinani eliphelele lazo zonke izinkokhelo ngezabelo ze-ROK ezithengisiwe futhi zithengiswa ngedethi ekhethiwe.
04/05/2023 250 342 $
03/05/2023 663 703 $
02/05/2023 338 433 $
01/05/2023 803 207 $
28/04/2023 714 457 $
27/04/2023 1 136 016 $
26/04/2023 819 437 $

Ukweqiwa kwemakethe kwe- Rockwell Automation Inc. kumadola aseMelika manje ku- 04/05/2023. Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalization ilingana 32 424 173 568 amadola aseMelika ku- 03/05/2023. Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalization ilingana 31 939 270 656 amadola aseMelika ku- 02/05/2023. Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalization ilingana 32 469 417 984 amadola aseMelika ku- 01/05/2023.

Ukumakethwa kwemakethe kwama- Rockwell Automation Inc. ku- 28/04/2023 kufinyelele ku- 32 512 002 048 amadola aseMelika. Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalization e- 27/04/2023 ilingana no- 31 781 990 400 US dollars. Rockwell Automation Inc. capitalisation emakethe e- 26/04/2023 ilingana no- 31 063 453 696 US dollars.

I-capital of Rockwell Automation Inc. namuhla ngu-32 320 602 112 $. Imali yemakethe yeRockwell Automation Inc. ishintshile -0.319% uma kuqhathaniswa nezolo. Umthamo wokuhweba we ROK amasheya ka Rockwell Automation Inc. ngosuku lokuhweba lokugcina lwafinyelela ku-250 342 $. Inani lemali yokuhweba yamasheya e Rockwell Automation Inc. lishintshe ku--62.281% uma kuqhathaniswa nosuku lokuhweba olwedlule.

Izindleko zamasheya Rockwell Automation Inc.

Izezimali Rockwell Automation Inc.