Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla
Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ezinkampanini ezingu-71229 ngesikhathi sangempela.
Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla

Izingcaphuno ze-Stock

Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ku-inthanethi

Umlando ucaphuna umlando

I-capital market capital

Izigaba ze-Stock

Inzuzo evela kumasheya enkampani

Imibiko yezezimali

Amanani wokulinganisa wezinkampani. Kukuphi ukutshalwa imali?

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ikhanda lemakethe

Umthamo wokuhweba kwamasheya Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC namhlanje nomlando we-capital of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC kusukela ekuqaleni kokuhweba kwamasheya FTAI esitokisini samasheya.
Engeza kumawijethi
Ingeziwe kumawijethi

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC izimali ezinkulu

Namuhla imali yemakethe ye- Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ingu-2 786 921 216 US dollar.
+38 245 888 $ (+1.39%)
ukuguqulwa komnotho kusukela izolo

Ushintsho ekukhulisweni kwemakethe kwe- Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC iwebhusayithi yethu ithwebula kanye ngosuku. Ungathola imali engu- Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization yanamuhla ngokususelwa ekuthengisweni kwale ntengo yesitoko emakethe yamasheya wesitoko. Imininingwane yokwenziwa imali kwe- Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC isethenjwa kuphela. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC cap cap yemakethe namuhla $ 2 786 921 216.

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ivolumu yokuhweba

Namuhla inani lamasheya okuhweba Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC lilinganiselwa ku-335 318 US dollar.
+325 380 $ (+3 274.10%)
ushintsho lwevolumu yezohwebo kusukela izolo

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC bathengiswa emakethe yokuhweba ehlukene. Ishadi lansuku zonke le- Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ivolumu yokuhweba yethulwa kwiwebhusayithi yethu. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ukuhweba online okuthengiswa kakhulu kuma-stock online, iwebhusayithi yethu ikhombisa inani lokuhweba eliphelele le- Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ngosuku. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC cap yemakethe ibiphansi izolo.


Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ishadi lesikhwama semakethe

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization yemakethe kugrafu ngeminyaka. Ngokudlula kwenyanga, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC isishintshwe yi- 0%. Ngonyaka, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization isishintshwe yi- 0%. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC, capitalization manje - 2 786 921 216 amadola aseMelika.

Iviki Inyanga izinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC umlando wemali enkulu

Usuku I-Capitalization
I-capitalisation (capital capital) yi-value yemakethe yawo wonke amasheya ezinkampanini ezithengiswa nge-stock exchange. Izimali zamakethe zilingana nentengo yamasheya okwandiswe inani lamasheya alingisiwe.
03/05/2023 2 786 921 216 $
02/05/2023 2 748 675 328 $
01/05/2023 2 789 414 400 $
28/04/2023 2 841 273 600 $
27/04/2023 2 813 349 376 $
26/04/2023 2 759 495 936 $
25/04/2023 2 687 691 264 $

Ishadi levolumu ye-Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC

Iviki Inyanga izinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC idatha yomlando wevolumu

Usuku Ivolumu (24h)
Umthamo wokuhweba we-Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC amasheya yinani eliphelele lazo zonke izinkokhelo ngezabelo ze-FTAI ezithengisiwe futhi zithengiswa ngedethi ekhethiwe.
03/05/2023 335 318 $
02/05/2023 9 938 $
01/05/2023 527 009 $
28/04/2023 366 991 $
27/04/2023 2 170 428 $
26/04/2023 1 475 413 $
25/04/2023 1 859 828 $

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization yemakethe yi- $ 2 786 921 216 ku- 03/05/2023. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalisation emakethe e- 02/05/2023 ilingana no- 2 748 675 328 US dollars. Ukweqiwa kwemakethe kwe- Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC kufinyelele ku- 2 789 414 400 amadola aseMelika ku- 01/05/2023. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalisation emakethe e- 28/04/2023 ilingana no- 2 841 273 600 US dollars.

Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization ilingana 2 813 349 376 amadola aseMelika ku- 27/04/2023. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization ilingana 2 759 495 936 amadola aseMelika ku- 26/04/2023. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC capitalization ifinyelela ku- 2 687 691 264 amadola aseMelika ku- 25/04/2023.

I-capital of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC namuhla ngu-2 786 921 216 $. Imali yemakethe yeFortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ishintshile +1.39% uma kuqhathaniswa nezolo. Umthamo wokuhweba we FTAI amasheya ka Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ngosuku lokuhweba lokugcina lwafinyelela ku-335 318 $. Inani lemali yokuhweba yamasheya e Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC lishintshe ku-+3 274.100% uma kuqhathaniswa nosuku lokuhweba olwedlule.

Izindleko zamasheya Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC

Izezimali Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC