Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla
Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ezinkampanini ezingu-71229 ngesikhathi sangempela.
Imakethe yamasheya, ukuhwebelana kwamasheya namuhla

Izingcaphuno ze-Stock

Ukucaphuna kwamasheya ku-inthanethi

Umlando ucaphuna umlando

I-capital market capital

Izigaba ze-Stock

Inzuzo evela kumasheya enkampani

Imibiko yezezimali

Amanani wokulinganisa wezinkampani. Kukuphi ukutshalwa imali?

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ikhanda lemakethe

Umthamo wokuhweba kwamasheya Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. namhlanje nomlando we-capital of Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. kusukela ekuqaleni kokuhweba kwamasheya 1215.TW esitokisini samasheya.
Engeza kumawijethi
Ingeziwe kumawijethi

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. izimali ezinkulu

Namuhla imali yemakethe ye- Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ingu-28 860 039 168 Dollar entsha Taiwan.
+1 002 289 152 $ (+3.60%)
ukuguqulwa komnotho kusukela izolo

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization yemakethe ngamadola namuhla. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization namuhla ithathwa njengesamba sazo zonke izingcaphuno zesitoko Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. zemali esikhishwe. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ulwazi oluvulekile. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization = 28 860 039 168 amadola aseMelika.

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ivolumu yokuhweba

Namuhla inani lamasheya okuhweba Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. lilinganiselwa ku-8 049 987 Dollar entsha Taiwan.
+6 462 846 $ (+407.20%)
ushintsho lwevolumu yezohwebo kusukela izolo

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. kwenzeka ekushintshanisweni okuhlukahlukene kwesilinganiso sempahla. Ishadi lokuhweba nsuku zonke le- Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. likuwebhusayithi yethu. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ukuhweba oku-inthanethi okuthengwa ezimakethe eziningi zesitoko, sikhombisa inani eliphelele Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ngosuku. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. cap yemakethe inyuke ngo- $ 1 002 289 152.


Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ishadi lesikhwama semakethe

Ukushintshwa kwe- Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization ngesonto 8.06%. Ukushintshwa kwe- Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization ngenyanga 0%. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Ushintsho lokongamela lonyaka 0%. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. cap yemakethe iyenyuka.

Iviki Inyanga izinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. umlando wemali enkulu

Usuku I-Capitalization
I-capitalisation (capital capital) yi-value yemakethe yawo wonke amasheya ezinkampanini ezithengiswa nge-stock exchange. Izimali zamakethe zilingana nentengo yamasheya okwandiswe inani lamasheya alingisiwe.
04/05/2023 28 860 039 168 $
03/05/2023 27 857 750 016 $
02/05/2023 27 621 916 672 $
28/04/2023 26 560 669 696 $
27/04/2023 26 590 148 608 $
26/04/2023 26 501 711 872 $
25/04/2023 26 708 064 256 $

Ishadi levolumu ye-Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

Iviki Inyanga izinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. idatha yomlando wevolumu

Usuku Ivolumu (24h)
Umthamo wokuhweba we-Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. amasheya yinani eliphelele lazo zonke izinkokhelo ngezabelo ze-1215.TW ezithengisiwe futhi zithengiswa ngedethi ekhethiwe.
04/05/2023 8 049 987 $
03/05/2023 1 587 141 $
02/05/2023 2 994 331 $
28/04/2023 899 416 $
27/04/2023 800 312 $
26/04/2023 853 428 $
25/04/2023 4 993 007 $

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization ngamadola aseMelika namuhla 04/05/2023. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization ifinyelela ku- 27 857 750 016 amadola aseMelika ku- 03/05/2023. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization ifinyelela ku- 27 621 916 672 amadola aseMelika ku- 02/05/2023. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization yemakethe yi- $ 26 560 669 696 ku- 28/04/2023.

Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization e- 27/04/2023 ilingana no- 26 590 148 608 US dollars. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization yemakethe yi- $ 26 501 711 872 ku- 26/04/2023. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. capitalization e- 25/04/2023 ifinyelela kuma- 26 708 064 256 amadola aseMelika.

I-capital of Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. namuhla ngu-28 860 039 168 $. Imali yemakethe yeCharoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ishintshile +3.6% uma kuqhathaniswa nezolo. Umthamo wokuhweba we 1215.TW amasheya ka Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. ngosuku lokuhweba lokugcina lwafinyelela ku-8 049 987 $. Inani lemali yokuhweba yamasheya e Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. lishintshe ku-+407.2% uma kuqhathaniswa nosuku lokuhweba olwedlule.

Izindleko zamasheya Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

Izezimali Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.